Every day at least one song - Week # 6 (March 3, 2025)

When I started Barstool Revolution I created a Facebook site and generated a daily thread where I would post at least one song a day. With social media sites increasingly useless for self-promotion to generate traffic to sites like this one - unless you are willing to shell out money - I decided to continue the “tradition” right here to add content and to hopefully generate more traffic to the site. As suggested, every day you will get at least one song, old or new that is, and of any genre. Stay tuned and check in daily!!!

Monday, March 3, 2025:

Well, today I am actually off from work, but busy with a doctor’s visit and a contractor over at the house. Still, better than spending the day at work me thinks. Let’s start the week off on a lighter note and with the Macc Lads, a band I honestly haven’t thought about in ages. Reading up a little bit about their history reminded me that it’s a bunch of nice and well behaved gentlemen I should learn more about. Anyway, somewhere I do have one of their LPs as well, probably time to dust it off. Have a pleasant Monday!!

Tuesday, March 4, 2025:

Kevin Kalicki aka Kevin K is originally from around the corner here in Buffalo’s suburbs, but when I first met him it was in Zurich, Switzerland as my friend and I organized a gig for his band back in the early 2000’s. Kevin and his brother Alan started out in the '70s with bands such as Aunt Helen, leading to the Toys and eventually the New Toys. For decades now Kevin has been releasing records as Kevin K and for years he at least used to have a European band and one based over here in the US. The song I am posting here was released in 2003 with the Real Kool Kats, the French backing band so to speak. One of literally dozens of punk’n’roll hits from the song writing machine Kevin always has been. A shame nobody seems to know his music though. Happy Tuesday!

Wednesday, March 5, 2025:

On this grey, rainy and dreary day I shall match the mood sonically and musically with Wasted Youth from London, not to be confused with the LA band going by the same name. These guys released a string of great singles in the early ‘80s on Bridge House Records, and have apparently been active again with a new line-up for the past three years or so. Have a good one out there!

Thursday, March 6, 2025:

The Pits from Sunderland in the North East of England released a bunch of records that nobody seems to appreciate, nor does anyone really remember this band I suppose. Every decade generates a whole slew of great bands that just seem get lost in obscurity, and these lads were definitely one of them. Anyhow, it’s never too late and here a great live version of one of their many hits filmed at some pub in Sunderland back in 2009. Keep on rockin’ out there!

Friday, March 7, 2025:

This is a great song to finish off Friday me thinks. Fuzzrider from Greece play outstanding modern day Heavy Blues Rock and are obviously Motorhead fans, which can’t hurt. Discovered these lads through Facebook, so not everything is bad about social media I suppose. Happy Friday!

Saturday, March 8, 2025:

The Covids from Amsterdam in the Netherlands play contagious punk rock according to their discogs page. I get the joke, and I would assume the band started out during the pandemic years with nothing better to do. It is good, straight forward and contagious ‘77 punk in the modern day and age, and there is nothing wrong with that. Happy Saturday!

Sunday, March 9, 2025:

RIP Brian James, gone way too soon. Instead of posting a Damned or Lords of the New Church song I opted for one of his songs he recorded with the Brian James Gang, featuring Dave Tregunna as well. Needless to say that Brian was a highly talented guitar player that not only had a great impact on London’s early punk rock explosion by playing in proto—punk acts such as London SS before starting the Damned, but of course also throughout the ‘80s with the Lords of the New Church and beyond that with the various projects he was involved in. Definitely one of the greatest guitar players the punk rock scene has produced, and for that we shall all be thankful. Cheers for the tunes, Brian!

Joe Barstool

I write mainly about different types of underground and under-appreciated music, and this website is an extension of my original Hits From The Past blogspot.


Music Video Documentaries # 4