Every day at least one song - Week # 7 (March 10, 2025)
When I started Barstool Revolution I created a Facebook site and generated a daily thread where I would post at least one song a day. With social media sites increasingly useless for self-promotion to generate traffic to sites like this one - unless you are willing to shell out money - I decided to continue the “tradition” right here to add content and to hopefully generate more traffic to the site. As suggested, every day you will get at least one song, old or new that is, and of any genre. Stay tuned and check in daily!!!
Monday, March 10, 2025:
What a beautiful song by Willie Dunn, born in Montreal, Canada back in the early ‘40s. Dunn’s songs often dealt with indigenous issues and ‘I pity the Country’ is considered one of his most famous songs wherein he criticizes colonialism and anti-indigenous racism. Some time ago Light in the Attic Records released a great 2-LP collection pulling from his rich recording career. Happy Monday!
Tuesday, March 11, 2025:
Last Friday the PBS Newshour had a nice little surprise up their sleeve with a well done segment on ‘Black Punk’. While in recent years more and more black people feature in bands and generally make up the current punk scene, back in the early years of punk rock that wasn’t as much the case. Glad to see Death from Detroit making an appearance in the report, because even though years ago they had a documentary made about the band, they deserve much wider recognition for their pioneering work. Happy Tuesday!
Wednesday, March 12, 2025:
Since last night my wife and I have a new family member in the form of a retired racing greyhound all the way from Australia. Olga seems to be settling in well so far and is a sweet dog. So, here a woof out to all the dogs and new dog owners with the Stretch Marks, a great ‘80s hardcore punk outfit from Winnipeg, Canada.
Thursday, March 13, 2025:
Alright folks, the days are flying by and we’ve reached Thursday already with the much deserved weekend around the corner. Every time you think real Punk’N’Roll is dead a new band pops up somewhere in the world, in this case in Madrid, Spain. Automatic Lovers, guess where their name is taking a clue from, play great old school punk rock with the necessary dose of dirty rock’n’roll mixed in. Grab their new 7” on Wap Shoo Wap Records and have a great day!
Friday, March 14, 2025:
Hey, it’s Friday and everybody’s favorite working day, at least that’s my assumption;-) Yesterday I received a Facebook message through one of the Take OFF members asking me whether there is any way to promote today’s song. Generally speaking Ska Punk is not my cup of tea, but there is something about this particular song that grabbed my attention instantly. Even more importantly I love the idea to have all these women from around the world involved in the song, highlighting the fact that punk rock, oi or whatever subgenre we are talking about is increasingly no longer just another male dominated music genre, and that’s good so. With that, happy Friday!
Saturday, March 15, 2025:
It’s a bit of a weird Saturday. Since we got Olga the dog I am up even earlier than usual, and I do tend to be up early, no matter what day of the week it is. It’s windy and grey out there today after we’ve had some sunny and warm days here, so not surprisingly nobody seems to be walking the streets, which suits me just fine. I am also just about to pay the bills, so today’s song seems to fit the general mood just right. Besides, it’s a great blues song by local Willie May from Buffalo, NY. Have a great day!
Sunday, March 16, 2025:
Kjott were not only one of the most important first wave punk rock bands from the land of fjords, but after they disbanded in the early ‘80s the members went on to have bigger commercial success with other projects, such as the band’s drummer with Raga Rockers, one of Norway’s biggest Rock bands in the ‘80s and beyond. Anyway, here a smasher of a song from 1980. With that, enjoy Sunday!