Every day at least one song - Week # 1 (January 27, 2025)

When I started Barstool Revolution I created a Facebook site and generated a daily thread where I would post at least one song a day. With social media sites increasingly useless for self-promotion to generate traffic to sites like this one - unless you are willing to shell out money - I decided to continue the “tradition” right here to add content and to hopefully generate more traffic to the site. As suggested, every day you will get at least one song, old or new that is, and of any genre. Stay tuned and check in daily!!!

Monday, January 27, 2025:

The month of January is slowly coming to an end here in Buffalo, NY and it’s been a freezing month with plenty of snow, ice, wind and everything else that makes it so much more (un)pleasant to be outside. A bit over thirty-eight years ago Swiss Thrashers Messiah released their second album entitled “Extreme Cold Weather”. Considering I was living in Switzerland at the time I don’t recall whether it was a particularly cold winter when the band recorded the album, but my guess is that it must have been. Anyhow, I thought the song fits perfectly to get the week started. Happy Monday!

Here another one on this windy and stormy Monday night. Skams from Sweden, a band that’s been around since the late ‘70s. This song is from ‘94, when they released a CD, but like with a lot of records from Scandinavia, they are hard to obtain and spread sparsely outside Sverige. Just simple catchy punk rock at its very best. Night cruising!

Tuesday, January 28, 2025:

Today an important band from the town I was born in, Bratislava in the former Czechoslovakia, now capital of Slovakia. Prudy formed in the early ‘60s and had two protagonists of big beat and rock music in their rows, Pavol Hammel and Marian Varga. ‘Zvonte Zvonky’ is proably their best known single and was originally recorded in ‘68. Out of Prudy formed Collegium Musicum, another hugely influential band. Prudy have even their own short English wiki entry. Happy Tuesday!

Wednesday, January 29, 2025:

Forty years ago German band Ausbruch from the city of Aachen close to the Dutch border released their 1st LP “Harte Zeiten”. In my opinion it is one of the best ‘Deutschpunk’ records, but by the time it had come out said genre was going through somewhat of an image crisis while hardcore bands influenced by the sounds emanating from the United States started to take off. It’s a melodic and well crafted record with many a hit, including the song posted herein. I have been meaning to interview one of the former members for the longest time, so it’s about time I do so. In some places it’s already Thursday, hence I hope everyone had a good day!

Thursday, January 30, 2025:

Rest in Peace Ed Banger (later known as Edweena Banger), originally of Ed Banger & The Nosebleeds from Manchester. Outside of London it was in Manchester where the early punk rock scene was gaining ground in ‘76 after the Sex Pistols had paid a visit to the Northern city not once, but twice. Out of that scene grew bands like The Drones, Warsaw, Slaughter & The Dogs and of course the Buzzcocks. Ed Banger later took over the vocals for Slaughter & The Dogs on their second full length and continued making music until sadly passing away earlier this week. Here an interview from 2017.

Friday, January 31, 2025:

Certain punk rock songs from the late ‘70s hold up well nearly fifty years on, while others do not. ‘Bored of Education’ by Toronto’s The Fits sounds just as fresh as always, and had I been a teenager in the Canadian Metropolis back then I bet I would have gone absolutely wild. Without a doubt just as good as many other far better known ‘77 punk smashers, but that’s the disadvantage of not having been from London or New York back in those days. In typical punk rock fashion the band released one EP back in ‘78 and called it a day in ‘80. Happy Friday!

Saturday, February 1, 2025:

Well, it’s February already and New Year’s just seems like yesterday. With new snow having fallen over the night I like to think of warmer and dryer climates with music from those places warming me up before going outside to shovel snow. Desmond Dekker from Jamaica had several big hits, among them “Israelites”, and rose to reggae fame before a certain Bob Marley overtook him in that regard. Stay warm and Happy Saturday!

Sunday, February 2, 2025:

Another weekend nearly gone, and I’ve not been able to work on the website as much as I had wanted. Still, yesterday I went to swim, and today I got my hour of walking in despite yet again miserable weather conditions. So, some more shoveling is in sight, and the goal is to end this week on a high note and Hillbilly Moon Explosion from Zurich just do that with a melodic, yet rocking song. They’ve been around for a long time, dating all the way to the time I was living there, and that’s been a while. Don’t remember ever seeing them live, but I might be wrong. Regardless, enjoy your Sunday, and have a good start to the new week!

Joe Barstool

I write mainly about different types of underground and under-appreciated music, and this website is an extension of my original Hits From The Past blogspot.


Every day at least one song - Week # 2 (February 3, 2025)


New(ish) Records Review #1